SleepEarn Zap

One-Click SleepEarn Vault Investing!

SleepEarn ZAP lets you create liquidity pool tokens and make SleepEarn vault deposits with just one transaction. You no longer need to manually add and remove liquidity! SleepEarn ZAP is a simple, quick, cheap, safe solution that eliminates the need to handle token contract addresses or even leave the comfy environs of the SleepEarn app.

Entering a LP vault

We will showcase SleepEarn ZAP for the SEN-KAI LP vault from BecoSwap:

Using only KAI as input asset, we will let SleepEarn ZAP create the SEN-KAI LP tokens and make the vault deposit.

1. Expand the vault

Click on anywhere in the vault field to expand it and see the deposit and withdraw options.

2. Select "KAI" from the deposit dropdown menu

KAI does not require approval to spend, as it is the native currency on KardiaChain.

3. Enter amount of KAI and hit "Deposit"

Currently we have around 5 KAI. We will use 4 KAI and save some for transaction fee.

And that's it! Deposit complete, SleepEarn ZAP automatically created liquidity at BecoSwap and deposited SEN-KAI LP in the vault:

Exiting a LP vault

SleepEarn ZAP also allows withdrawing and removing LP tokens from a vault. We will show how to withdraw from the SEN-KAI LP vault and receive just SEN.

1. Select "SEN" from the withdraw dropdown menu

2. Click "Approve"

Then confirm your transaction on KardiaChain Wallet extension

3. Select the amount of SEN you wish to receive, or use all deposited LP tokens

Enter the token amount you want to withdraw, and press "Withdraw" of course.

And that's all! SleepEarn ZAP returned 0.12864573 SEN to our wallet

Last updated